Editable metadata fields
The mediebank provides access to the following metadata fields:
Headline: A short and specific title that tells what the asset is about.
Description: The description should complement the title and is used to provide more information about the context of the asset. A good description answers what is actually happening in the image.
Keywords: Keywords are searchable subject terms that primarily describe what you see in the image and should always be relevant. In the Mediebank, keywords serve two functions: they indicate a theme for the image and provide extra search and filtering options. Administrators can choose whether users can freely create their own keywords when uploading media files or if they must adhere to a pre-selected list.
Alt-text: Alternative text aims to provide users access to and understanding of the media file, even without being able to see the asset directly. The alt-text should be concise and relevant, avoiding unnecessary details.
Instructions: Also sometimes called restrictions. Instructions are used to provide guidance related to the use of the image. Typically, instructions will deal with the usage rights of the image, copyright, and/or editorial guidelines. Instructions added to the image will be visible to all users from the gallery.
Creator: The person who created the asset (e.g. a photographer).
City/Location: The city/location where the asset was created.
Country: The country where the asset was created.
Credit: The person or organization that holds the copyright to the asset.
Category: Categories are higher-level keywords. These can be useful in an archive where it is natural to group files, such as to differentiate between different business areas. Categories can be used as filters from the filter menu.
Terms: Subject terms from a defined thesaurus list.
Job ID: Indicates a photo from a specific assignment, such as a photo assignment.