The Media API

The Media API

Get to know the Media API together with it’s capabilities and how to connect.

Our API usage guide will explain the basic process of interacting with the Media API. For further information take a look at the API documentation.

Media API’s:

  • Search media
    Use this endpoint when you want to find and browse assets based on free text search, or for advanced search / faceted search when you want to find assets based on search filters.

  • Get single media
    This endpoint delivers a specific asset based on ID.

  • Edit single media
    Edit a specific asset based on ID.

  • Download single media
    Receive and download a specific asset based on ID.

  • Download multiple media as a zip archive
    Receive and download multiple assets.

  • Upload single media
    Use this endpoint to upload a specific asset.

  • Usage reporting
    This endpoint is used to send usage information related to a assets. One will assume that the time of publication is when data is submitted trough this endpoint.

  • Search for facets
    This endpoint returns the facets you can search among.

  • Get a facet by name
    The endpoint returns all facets / search filters in a particular facet group / category.

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