Find images that are missing metadata

Find images that are missing metadata

By using the Missing Metadata page, you can ensure that your images contain required or recommended metadata. On this page, you can:

  • See how many of your images lack information in the desired metadata fields.

  • Identify images that lack desired metadata.

  • Add metadata to these images.


Here's how to find missing metadata:

  • When you're in the gallery, you can select Missing Metadata in the toolbar on the left.

  • Mark the image or images you want to change the metadata for and fill in the metadata.

  • By default, you'll see images uploaded by yourself that are missing either required or recommended metadata. By using the filter menus in the tab above the images, you can choose whether to display media files uploaded by all users or just yourself, and whether to see images missing required or recommended metadata.


Tips! You can also turn on notifications for missing metadata. The notifications will be sent to your email and contain a link to the Missing Metadata page.

  • Click on your profile picture at the top right corner.

  • Select Organization Settings.

  • Choose General Settings and then System Settings.

  • Click the toggle button next to "Enable notification for missing metadata".
    You will receive a link to the Missing Metadata page at the time you choose.