Gallery settings


Gallery settings is available from General settings

Thumbnail icon

You may choose what thumbnail icon is displayed for your organization. These options are available

  • Verification: Will display the asset’s verification status

  • Version count: Will display the amount of versions associated with the asset.

  • None: No icon will be displayed

  • Dynamic: Will display the most relevant information. If an asset has a verification status, this will be displayed. If there is no verification status, the version count is displayed instead. If neither are present, no icon is shown.


Select thumbnail icon

  • Go to Organization settings

  • Navigate to General settings → Gallery settings

  • Select your preferred icon


Summary card

The summary card contains a brief summary of the metadata associated with the asset. The summary card appears when the user hovers the asset in the dymanic gallery view, and contains the following metadata fields:

  • Headline

  • Description

  • Instruction

  • Asset origin


Activate summary card

  • Go to Organization settings

  • Navigate to General settings → Gallery settings

  • Toggle Activate summary card.