“Collections” A collection is a feature that allows the system administrator to establish connections between groups or organizations. Their purpose is to enable end users, whether cross-organization or cross-team (coming soon), to share assets with each other in accordance with the company's overall strategy for image flow and sharing. Once created and configured, a collection will appear below the Gallery in the main navigation on the left-hand side.
To create a collection, you need to have the system administrator role. An admin creates a collection and can share it across groups within the organization or with multiple organizations within the same instance.
Share assets between organizations
Share assets between a group in an organization
The process of creating a collection is fairly straightforward, as it only allows you to define a name and select the organizations that will have access.
All assets uploaded in the media bank file area separate to the gallery. Assets in the collection can be located solely within the collection, or in the gallery as well.
Collections the user can access appear under the gallery in the main left-hand navigation.
You can use a collection if:
you want a set of assts to be visible only to selected groups of users
you want to highlight a set of assets for the users in your Mediebank
you want to share assets with users in another organization within your instance
All assets uploaded in Mediebank are owned by the original uploader and their organization. If an asset is added to a collection, it remains the same. Other organizations that share the collection cannot edit or delete the asset because the collection represents the original asset, not a duplicateBy default, users from other organizations may only download the asset. If you want users from other organizations to be able to edit the asset as well, you can allow this from the collection sharing settings menu.
Currently, there are no defined rules for the import flow to collections. The end user needs to actively choose to place assets in a collection by configuring their destinations. Likewise, assets can be removed from a collection.